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此岸 彼岸 ——中华文化的翻译与对外传播——第三次译员交流会(2012年9月8日)







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发表于 2012-8-29 16:56:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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2012年9月8日(周六),北京龙泉寺翻译中心携手北京大学翻译协会,将在北京龙泉寺举办第三次译员交流大会。The 3rd Beijing Longquan Monastery Translators Seminar for Translators and Interpreters will be held at Longquan Monastery on Saturday, Sep. 8, 2012, organized by the Translation Center of Beijing Longquan Monastery and the Translators Association of Peking University.

活动背景 Background Information

北京龙泉寺坐落于北京西北郊的凤凰岭自然风景区内,始建于辽代,距今已有一千多年的历史,为人们回归心灵宁静祥和,开启内在智慧光明,提供一方净土。北京龙泉寺是中国翻译协会会员单位,近年来,在中华文化的翻译与对外传播方面,做出了不懈的努力和探索,最广为媒体关注的,是今年二月初八出版的中国第一本八语微博书《和尚·微博——北京龙泉寺的365天》Beijing Longquan Monastery, boasting over one thousand years of history, is situated in the beautiful Phoenix Ridge suburbs of Beijing. Built in the Liao Dynasty the Monastery is a sanctuary of peaceful reflection and solitude. As a respected member of the Translators Association of China, Beijing Longquan Monastery has made great effort to the transmission of traditional Chinese culture in the world. The worldwide media acknowledge ‘Ven. Master Xuecheng’s Multilingual Microblog- Record of 365 Days of Longquan Monastery’, as the first Multilingual Microblog in China,published on Feb. 8, 2012.

北京大学翻译协会是北京大学一个公益性、开放性的校内社团。其宗旨是利用先进的、现代化的翻译理念和技术,建立校内翻译与语言学习平台,繁荣校内外翻译活动,促进跨文化交流,推动中国翻译事业不断向前发展。The Translators Association of Peking University operates as a not for profit group adjunct to the University but open to the public. Its goal is to build a campus translation and language learning platform utilizing modern and advanced translation concepts and technology. The result will be an increase in the effectiveness of on campus translation, cross-cultural communication the continued development of China’s translation abilities.

本次交流会是一个学术交流平台,我们希望能创造轻松有益的翻译交流氛围,所有与会者可以在交流中相互促进,提高翻译工作的水平,除此之外我们还将组织参观寺院,游览景区等户外活动,让与会者尽享京郊秋色,亲近自然,放松身心,结交益友。欢迎大家前来参加。The seminar provides a platform for discussions and the exchange of ideas to enhance the participants and China’s successes in translation. We sincerely hope that all participants will benefit from these communications in the relaxed atmosphere of the Monastery and its natural surroundings. Time has been set aside for casual interactions to take place in this peaceful natural setting with the goal of a relaxing opportunity to share with new colleagues and old friends in the golden days of autumn. Thank you for joining us!

时间Time 地点Venues 活动Activities 备注Notes
8:00-8:30 346车站346 Station 到达 Arrival
8:30-8:50 见行堂广场Square of Jianxing Hall 入场Entrance 签到,分组Registering and Grouping
9:00-11:00 见行堂Jianxing Hall 学术讲座 北外梅仁毅教授:《从创新因素看美国是否衰落》Academic ForumBy Professor Mei Renyi at Beijing Foreign Studies University American Decline or Not Judged From the Perspective of Innovation 梅仁毅,北京外国语大学英语学院教授、博导,美国研究中心主任。Professor Mei Renyi,` Doctoral Tutor at School of English of BFSU and Director of Research Center on America
11:00-12:00 居士斋堂Laypeople Dinning Hall 午斋Lunch · 全素Vegetarian Food
12:00-13:30 寺院Around the Monastery 传统文化体验 Experience Traditional Chinese Culture 分组进行Group activities
13:30-14:00 见行堂Jianxing Hall 观看视频Video-watching 中、英、法、德、俄、日、韩、西班牙文八语微博的成长史The History of Eight-Language Microblog
14:00-16:15 见行堂Jianxing Hall 译员交流《此岸 彼岸——中华文化的翻译与对外传播》Seminar for Translators and InterpretersFrom This Shore to That Shore: Interpreting Chinese Culture to the World — 特邀北京大学、北京外国语大学,北京语言大学教授嘉宾发言观看视频《此岸 彼岸》Speeches by Special Guests from Peking University, Beijing Foreign Studies Universities and Beijing Language and Culture UniversityVideo-watching: From This Shore to That Shore
16:15-16:45 见行堂Jianxing Hall 学诚大和尚开示Dharma Talk given by Ven. Master Xuecheng 学诚大和尚,全国政协常委,中国佛教协会副会长,北京师范大学人文宗教高等研究院副院长,北京龙泉寺方丈。Ven. Master Xuecheng, Vice President of the Buddhist Association of China, Vice Director of Institute for Advanced Study Humanities and Religion of Beijing Normal University and Abbot of Longquan Monastery.
17:00-17:20 见行堂Jianxing Hall 合影留念 Photo-taking Together
具体活动日程以当天安排为准。主办方免费提供餐饮。与会人员交通费用自理。Specific activities programme is subject to the day arrangements.Food is provided by organizer for free while traffic fees are at your own expense.

填表须知:“外语水平”一栏请填写可以体现您外语水平的考试成绩或者培训经历。例如:公外四级,公外六级、专业八级、雅思分数、托福分数、中高级口译资格证等。Note: Can write your present foreign language level, proved by your language certificates or training experience, in the blank space of “Skill of Foreign Language”, such as CET-4, CET-6, TEM-8 etc..

学员报名截止日期为2012年9月5日下午6点前。 Deadline for Application by 6 pm., Sep. 5, 2012


龙泉寺翻译中心:王云霞 15116991696 QQ:707687977 lqtc@vip.163.com

北京大学翻译协会:郭萃 15201622815 QQ: 437764906 437764906@qq.com

Wang Yunxia with Translation Center of Longquan Monastery: 15116991696 QQ:707687977 lqtc@vip.163.com

Guo Cui with Translators Association of Peking University: 15201622815 QQ: 437764906 437764906@qq.com

乘车路线Bus Line


Subway Line No.4—A1 Exit, Beigongmen (North Gate of Summer Palace)—Bus No.346—Fenghuangling (Phoenix Ridge Park, the final station)—Longquan Monastery

驾车路线Driving route

1、从西三环入万泉河路,直走接圆明园西路,继续直走接永丰路,左拐北清路,过六环高架后的红绿灯右拐至温北路,走约15分钟,见到靠右路边的暗红色指示牌《凤凰岭风景区》左拐,后一直往前开,到台头村按指示牌继续往前开到头即到寺院。Wanquanhe Rd. ( West 3rd Ring Rd.)— West Yuanmingyuan Rd. —Yongfeng Rd.—Turning left onto Beiqing Rd.—Wenbei Rd. (turning right after the overhead viaduct of the 6th Ring Rd.)—15-minute-ride to the dark-red direction board of Fenghuangling(Pheonix Ridge) Scenic Zone—Taitou Village—Longquan Monastery

2、从北三环入京承高速,然后入西北五环,然后入G7高速,然后入北清路向西直行,过了六环高架后右拐温北路,其它同上。 Beijing-Chengde Expressway (West 3rd Ring Rd.) —Northwest Fifth Ring Rd. —G7 Expressway----Beijingqing Rd. —Wenbei Road (turning right after the overhead viaduct of the 6th Ring Rd.),other same as the above.

3、走西六环,在“温阳路”出口下,向西直行,右拐上温北路,其它同上。 Wenyang Rd. (West Sixth Ring Rd.) —Heading west to Wenbei Rd.(turning right) ,other same as the above.

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